Submit a request

If you have any additional information, such as your order number or pictures of the product, please add those. If there are any issues with products, we require pictures in order to be able to help. Without this information, we cannot assist you effectively.

Please enter the details of your request. A member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.

Please select a topic

Please select the color of the flower

Please select the type of flower

What state is the question/issue from, or where will the product be used?

City where the product is being used.

Please let us know if the product has been purchased at a retailer. If so, name the retailer. **If you purchased a Bloomaker product at a local retailer or an online retailer, we recommend reaching out to the retailer as the first step in addressing any issues. Please note that we cannot replace or refund products purchased from third-party retailers. However, despite this, we are, of course, more than happy to reply to any questions you might have!**

Ordered at Please provide the order number. When purchased elsewhere, type 0

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