Yes. But keep in mind that damage to the roots can cause a bulb to get sick and die too. Try the instructions below that don't require you to lift up the bulb first. Then, if you're still not sure, be careful not to damage the roots.
Bulbs should be firm to the touch and greenish-white in color with thin brown outer layers like an onion. Nearly all bulbs for sale will be healthy, but watch for and reject any that are soft, have blue or greenish mold, look decayed or appear to be extremely dried out or in a state of decay.
Bulbs that have been stored for too long can even produce a flower spike or leaves even if kept dry. Take special care to inspect the top of the neck for brown spots as these are signs that the scales inside are rotten. Also check the bottom of the bulb between the roots; sometimes the bottom is colored brown and moldy, this is a sign that the bottom was affected with a bulb destroying fungus during the growth period.
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